Being an active and energetic person, I didn’t think that anything in the nearest future could influence me so greatly that I would totally reconsider my whole perception of the world. I was studying at the last course of the university and got married to the person I knew very well and whom I truly loved. I thought I was a happy person. But the next year proved that I was wrong.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I just didn’t know what to do. The world around me just froze and there I was, a future mother. First, I was completely taken aback by the realization of all the responsibility and novelty of feelings. But after a month or so, I got accustomed to the new feeling and started to realize that I will be a mother. Of course, I wasn’t sure how well I would cope, but my husband was always there to set me at ease and explain that he will always help me.

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Time passed by, and I was getting more and more happy with the state I was in. My baby started to kick a lot and I always knew that she was feeling well. But at the moment I saw her right after labor I understood that everything that made me happy before was just a preparation for the real happiness.

That feeling of real and complete satisfaction cannot be described – just experienced. Every day of my life I am thankful for the gift I received. My baby means the whole world to me and that’s what makes me feel significant and useful in this world. I understand that I have to make this little person’s life as cloudless as possible and I become even happier and always try to do my best to make her life better.